Wednesday, August 28, 2013

The One With All The Twilight

Hello. This is not just a review for Breaking Dawn part II I needed to discuss the previous films and the books so Please be patient. Also, it may contain spoilers so if you don't know the story and want to be surprised, please don't read it. Actually, if you want to be surprised, go watch another movie coz there ain't no surprises in this one... Also, let me make one thing clear, I am not a twilight lover or hater. I have read the first three books and seen all the movies and even enjoyed a few moments (Why else would I continue watching them). So the series started with twilight, which IMO, was actually a decent film and book. I liked how Bella was courageous enough to fall for a vampire and the plot of a vampire protecting his human lover was also interesting. It was also interesting to see vampires who don't harm humans. The shiny skin bit was lame but that was more an issue with the film than the book. Bad make up has been a recurring problem with these films. Even Kristin Stewart was average in this one. But all in all, I enjoyed it. The problems began with the second film/book and the two leading women associated with this series - Stephanie Meyer and Kristin Stewart - are to be blamed. The book had too little story for the number of pages it lasted and Bella, who I thought was strong came out to be outright dumb and mentally challenged. She doesn't even tries to move on. When I went to watch the movie I had my reservations. But I thought it can be a great chance for Stewart to show her acting skills. But you can look with a microscope and you wouldn't find any skills. Her expression (don't ask "in which scene" as it is the same in every) is like Joey's smell the fart acting from Friends. And the character comes out as a whiny teenager who needs to be slapped and sent to a shrink. And The film is flatter than Voldemort's nose. The third movie, Eclipse, was utterly pointless, IMO. The film is about Bella torn between Edward and Jacob. This even started the dreaded Team Edward - Team Jacob hashtags on twitter. But after seeing Bella whine for Edward like that, we all knew whom she would pick. Also, what is Bella's fascination with becoming a vampire? She has a loving family, adoring friends and all she can think of is deserting them and becoming a bloodsucker. That is not the character anybody will root for or respect. Also, the fight scene with Victoria might have been interesting, had the Visual effects were well done. Even in the book, Meyer is her worst when she writes action. Why include it if you are not comfortable writing it? Twilight could have easily been a love triangle between a Woman, a Vampire and a big dog (I know, why can't she ever for for a human, It's one thing to want a sparkling ring, but to obsess about a shiny man is just too much)!!! The next book is Braking dawn, which I couldn't read. It was just too dull. Meyer really needs to learn how to edit her novels. The movie was divided into two parts. The first part was about Edward-Bella wedding, Edward-Bella sex, and pregnant Bella. There were three problems with this film, the wedding was too dull because of the lacklustre acting. The sex was too badly shot. There are a lot of films which show sex scenes beautifully without any nudity. And this wasn't it. The third problem was the pregnant Bella. Neither was Stewart able to emote the part of a woman in extreme pain, nor was the make up efficient enough to show her transformation seamlessly. This by far was the worst film in the series, IMO. And finally, the last instalment came. I couldn't watch it at the time of it's release and rented a DVD just today. There's no way I was spending money to buy a movie I knew I would most likely watch just once. Meyer had introduced the Volturi clan in the second movie as the evil Vampire clan. They were so bad that they ate a whole group of tourists including kids. And this movie is a build-up to a final battle between the Cullens along with their werewolf accomplices and vampire friends and the Volturi with their force. We expect a battle, we deserve a battle. what kind of a story shows the hero/heroine and the evil villain talk and mend the differences? Why introduce a villain and not have a fight? It's one thing if your hero looses but what kind of a wimp lets the bad guy walk away? Why did Meyer waste our time telling us a story about such losers? They were supposed to be the good vampires.
The movie did contain a battle sequence but even that ends in a pathetic twist. It's not the screenwriter's fault. He did his best to show you the battle you deserved to see, but he couldn't change the ending of Meyer's book. But this actually makes matters worse. When the twist in the battle comes, you feel like throwing rotten eggs on the screen. This series has one of the worst endings in history. Now, you may think that what is the need for a battle but here's the thing - Why establish a villain (who eats kids) and don't go anywhere with it? Harry Potter and The Hunger Games series have often been compared to Twilight saga but in those stories, teenagers fought, knowing very well that the chances of them dying were very high, because it was the right thing to do. Harry goes to Voldemort to die when he knows he is a horcrux and Katniss volunteers to save her sister. They do it because it is the right thing to do. If teenagers in other series can have such courage, why can't 100+ year old vampires? Pointless. Also, there is a computer generated toddler which looks like Chucky and emotes almost as bad as Stewart. As far as acting by the other cast is concerned, they try their best but are restricted by their unidimensional characters. The cardboard cut- outs many girls keep in their houses of these characters have more depth than these character. This series could have been a great story of a love triangle between a woman, a vampire and a werewolf or a story about fighting great evil to protect the ones you love. But it ends up being all about a whiny girl wanting to become a shiny girl and get a shiny guy, without caring about the greater good, as long as she is safe. This series has no moral compass, characters who are self centred and unidimensional and special effects of a b-movie. Highly disappointed. Specially with the ending. Thanks again for reading! XOXO Abhimanyu

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